Start a podcast now with
Podcast Rocket!
Your complete podcast launch program, that takes you from concept to podcaster!
It’s time to share your story.
Podcasting is the most effective way to share what you know, build a loyal audience, and create true connections with your people. Whether you’re an entrepreneur looking for more qualified leads, or a creator looking for more opportunities to connect with your audience, starting a podcast will help you do that.
Why podcasting?
Podcast listeners have grown by over 15% in the U.S. in just the last year alone! With more awareness, more accessibility and more flexibility to listen on demand, wherever they are, your audience is craving the opportunity to connect with you.
And guess what – that content you’re creating? It’s going to outlast social media, emails, and blogs buried at the bottom of your website.
Compared to social media, blogging and even YouTube videos, a podcast is an easy access point for your audience to find you. Whether they take you on their commute, on a run, for a walk or even doing the dishes – you’re getting their dedicated focus and one-on-one time, exactly when they need it.
But right now these thoughts might be going through your head…
Look, I totally get it, starting a podcast from scratch can be totally overwhelming!
There’s so much information out there that it can be overwhelming to start a podcast from scratch. But I’ve been exactly where you are right now, and I can tell you from the other side that I wish I hadn’t let my fears get in the way of my goals, because now I can see just how powerful having a podcast is for my business, my comedy career, and my confidence.
Here’s what’s been possible for me:
- Consistent, qualified leads coming to my business every single month
- The opportunity to share my podcasting expertise in other communities, substantially growing my network
- A rapidly growing email list
- Being a guest on other comedy podcasts, and not being terrified that I’m going to totally mess it up!
- Starting two additional comedy podcasts that has built my comedy troupe’s fan base significantly
- Not being afraid to “go live” when I need to, because I feel comfortable and confident with my expertise & ability to speak in full thoughts (i.e. way less brain fart moments!)
And I KNOW this is possible for you too!
I want to give you all of the tools you need to help you create a well oiled podcast production machine behind the scenes, so that your brand & content can absolutely SHINE!
And with Podcast Rocket I’m going to take you from idea to podcaster! All you need is the commitment to bring your A-Game and put in the work to take your podcast from an idea to a reality!
Take it from me, I went from overwhelmed and totally lacking confidence, to brave, organized and fearless. And I’m going to help you to launch and produce a podcast that lets you build your own dreams!
Podcast Rocket!
A proven program that will give you the confidence, tools and skills you need to launch and grow the podcast you’ve always wanted, without wasting hours on YouTube!

Here’s what you get with Podcast Rocket:
An easy to follow podcast launch path
Through weekly modules, video lessons, tech tutorials, and a detailed course workbook, you never have to guess what comes next, or if you’re missing crucial steps!
Learn to record & edit great quality audio at home
Choose your own adventure tech tutorials for GarageBand and Descript.
Accountability and support to actually GET IT DONE!
This is perfect for you if you need the extra push to get your podcast launched – every week I’ll be in your inbox making sure you have exactly what you need to take the next step towards launching until module 5 when we celebrate your launch together!
Oh my gosh, did I mention the BONUSES?!
Podcast production planner
Keep on track with your podcast production with this simple to use template that will hold you accountable to your podcast plan.
Recording and publishing checklists
The same checklists I share with my VIP clients to make sure you have GREAT quality sounding audio each time you hit record, and a checklist for all of the assets you’ll need to promote each episode when it goes live!
Full launch campaign template
Just add your podcast name and it’s copy and pasting into your favourite social media and email schedulers! This launch campaign template takes SO much pressure off of your podcast launch, it’s a total no-brianer!
Podcast Rocket is available to you for only $97 USD!
Why? Because I believe you should be sharing your voice and what you know with the people that WANT to hear it! So what are you waiting for? Join Podcast Rocket and set your brand apart from the crowd!

What’s inside Podcast Rocket:
- 5 modules with video lessons, course workbook, step-by-step
- Learn how to record & edit with tech tutorials
- Podcast production planner and Asana template
- Recording and publishing checklists
- Full launch campaign template
A little love from past Podcast Rocketeers:
“It was so refreshing because the way that you talk about podcasting you were so comfortable about it. And it didn’t sound so complicated anymore. Taking Podcast Rocket was so great for me because having the touch points with you to talk it out made it even less scary.“
– Nathalie Amlani,
Co-Host of The Sunrise Brand Collective Podcast
“I felt like, why should I put this out there? There’s already experts in the field doing the same thing, and I could make a million excuses as to why I shouldn’t do it. And I then kind of got over myself. I just needed to sit down and do it!“
– Chris Swail,
Host of A Little Bit Better
“I loved in Podcast Rocket – you said ‘You’re a podcaster now!’ And that’s totally the vibe I was pulling, I was like ‘I am a podcaster now! This is so cool!'”
– Sara Vartanian,
Host of The Launch Playbook Podcast
By the end of Podcast Rocket you will:
Understand how podcasting works
Know how to use your mic for a professional sounding quality recording
Know how to pitch guests and how to set them up to record properly
Have four episodes recorded and edited
Feel confident in your own expertise to share what you know!
And, you will have finally launched your podcast!
Why Podcast Rocket?
Sure, you could find this info on YouTube after hours and hours of searching, testing, guessing and restarting several times, but why waste all that time when I’ve already laid it all out for you in 5 simple to follow parts?
Launch your podcast in as little as 5 weeks with Podcast Rocket and save your precious time! Why the no-brainer price? I want to make it as easy as possible for you to start your podcast right away!
More love from Podcast Rocketeers…
“I’m SO glad I went for it! Even within that first week, it was really magical to finally feel like all of these pieces of clarity were landing. The course itself, the content and just laying out those lessons, I suddently just felt like, yeah, I’m not so intimidated and I’m doing it.“
– Nicola Holmes,
Host of All Things Change
“I feel really confident in what I am doing and your course was so incredible and gave me all the tools I need! I am so freaking grateful that I signed up on impulse. It’s given me everything I need to boost my brand and have deep conversations. Thank you thank you thank you!
And I am LOVING podcasting.”
– Jenn Green,
Host of Body Talks by Baby Mamas
“It’s not that scary to interview people! I enjoy it! So if you’re thinking about podcasting and that’s a blocker, don’t worry about it! You can do it!“
– Kirsten Jordan,
Host of the Perfectly Imperfect Social Podcast
The Podcast Rocket Promise
My step-by-step process for podcasting has helped dozens of podcasters launch their podcasts, even if they didn’t have a clue how to use any of the tech!
If you commit to doing the work, participating and making a true effort, I know you will launch your podcast. But the hard work lies with you, and your commitment to making it happen.
I don’t want Podcast Rocket to become yet another online program you open once, get overwhelmed, and never look at again.
Results require action and I’m going to make your success non-negotiable! So, you’ll have lifetime access to Podcast Rocket as well as any updates I make to the program in the future.
It’s my goal to help you launch your podcast and feel confident about it, and with Podcast Rocket you’re going to realize just how easy it is to launch your podcast!
Podcast Rocket is for you if:
You are just getting started and you don’t have a podcast yet
You love the idea of growing your network and reach by interviewing amazing guests
You understand that the results WILL come with consistency, dedication and HARD WORK
You know that sharing your expertise with your audience is the most effective way to gain their trust and loyalty

What are you waiting for? Join Podcast Rocket and you’ll be on the right track to launch your podcast quickly and without the overwhelm!
What’s going to make the world a better place? You becoming a podcaster, that’s what!
Hey! I’m Emily Milling, the brains behind Podcast Rocket, and also your mega hype-person!
I started Podcast Rocket with the mission to help passionate creators and entrepreneurs to share their stories through podcasting. AND, to have FUN while we do it!
It took me years to figure out how to properly set up my mic for the best quality sounding recording, and what topics my audience truly wanted to hear about from me. Not only that, but I found the whole world of audio to be pretty closed off – if I didn’t already know something, I felt like I was out of luck.
That’s why I decided to combine my experience as a feature film sound designer, composer, comedian, and producer for dozens of podcasts to give you a unique course experience. One that inspires you, makes you feel good about the process, and above all else – to find your inner creative through audio.
Look, you’re not meant to do this all alone. In fact it would be so boring and frustrating to launch a podcast by yourself that I absolutely want to be your cheerleader throughout the entire process, and help you get from start to finish without tearing your hair out! We’re in this together, and I’ve got your back!
– Em

Podcast producer for top ranking shows such as:

Course Outline
Part 1: Podcast Planning & Purpose
By the end of part 1, you’ll know exactly what your podcast will be about and who your podcast is for. This essential step will also help you plan your content, understand who your audience is, and create a production schedule.
Part 2: Preparing To Record
You’ll learn about my favourite recording gear and apps that will enable you to achieve a professional quality sounding podcast without having to guess at what to buy. By the end of this section you’ll know exactly what to buy, and how to use it properly.
Part 3: Recording
Now we start recording! You will learn how to record solo shows, shows with in-person guests, and online interviews. You’ll learn how to record your intro and outro as well as best practices to set up your studio space for the best recording quality possible.
Part 4: Editing
You’ll learn how to edit your first four episodes including at least one interview episode and a trailer. In this section I’ll show you how to prepare your audio files like a pro for upload and distribution to all the podcast platforms.
Part 5: Podcast Launch
Promo time! We’re going to get all of the elements ready to go for your launch, including podcast artwork, shownotes, a podcast host, a marketing strategy, AND we’ll get your feed up on all of the major apps so you can say “download this show wherever you get your podcasts” just like the pros! I’ll also give you my strategy to get your show heard by your ideal listeners, right out of the gate!
I want to start right away, can I access the course materials now?
Heck yeah you can! Materials will be available instantly on checkout. If they’re not, email [email protected] and we’ll fix that for ya.
How much time per week does this course take?
Between video lessons and the workbook, you can expect to spend about an hour per day, 5 days a week on your podcast for the duration of the course.
Do I need to know what my podcast will be about before I join?
Nope! We’ll be exploring different genres, formats and styles, along with setting your goals right in module one. This is also important because we’ll be researching your audience to learn what their wants and needs are – this way, you’ll be able to validate your podcast idea before getting too far into the weeds.
Having said that, if you have an idea, you’re in a great place to start into your market research in module one as well!
Do I need a microphone to get started with this course?
Nope! In fact if you’re still on the fence about what to buy, we cover that in part 2 of Podcast Rocket so that you can feel 100% confident in your recording device choice!
How much time does podcasting actually take?
You can expect to spend approximately 6-8 hours per month on your show, including recording, editing, marketing materials (show notes, graphics, social posts, emails) and posting. If your episode is 15 minutes long, expect to spend approximately 30 minutes editing.
Here’s how I break it down by month for a weekly show:
- 1 hour to prep 4 episodes
- 1-2 hours recording 4 20-30 min episodes
- 3-4 hours of editing
- 1-2 hours creating promo materials
How much does it cost to keep my podcast going?
You can expect to spend around $20 a month on hosting for your podcast. If you choose to work with a podcast editor, you can expect to spend betwen $300-$1500 a month depending on the level of service you need. You can use free apps (we cover GarageBand and Audacity) or you can use paid apps which are usually around $20/mo (we cover Descript).
Will you show me how to set up my microphone?
Yes! You’ll have a clear understanding of the best practices for recording for several types of formats (including virtual interview recording!) to ensure your show sounds polished and professional.
Will you show me how to edit?
Absolutely! We’ll look at editing in two free softwares, Garageband (Mac) and Audacity (PC) as well as my favourite app, Descript which makes editing audio as easy as editing text! I’ll also show you some mixing techniques that I use to enhance the overall quality of your recordings.
What if I don't want to edit?
That’s cool too! No matter what you’ll want to take advantage of all of the other components in Podcast Rocket so that you’re prepared to hire an editor or producer. We even cover how to hire an editor or producer in the module on editing!
I have more questions!
No problemo!
Send us an email at [email protected] to talk about your podcast goals and roadblocks, and let’s see if Podcast Rocket is a good fit for you!
Join Podcast Rocket now!